Town of Hamburg
Site last updated: 03/12/2025
Welcome to the Town of Hamburg online tax payment & search system
You may pay your taxes online by using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card (2.5% service fee/minimum $1.80 service fee); by Visa debit card ($4.00 flat fee); or by electronic check ($2.00 flat fee). Service fees are collected by the web service provider, not the Town of Hamburg.
We are also accepting payments (check, cash, or credit card) in person at Town Clerk's Office, 6100 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, N.Y. 14075. Office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with Extended hours February 12-14 and 18th 2025 8am-6pm
Please make checks payable to “Catherine A. Rybczynski-Town Clerk”. Your Town and County Tax payment must be postmarked or received on or before February 18, 2025 to avoid late penalties. Notice: Online payments will not be accepted after June 30, 2025. The Town Clerk's office hopes that you find the online tax payment feature to be a convenient and easy means by which to pay your taxes, should you have any questions please contact us at 716-649-6111, ext. 2345.
Catherine A. Rybczynski, R.M.C
Town Clerk/Tax Receiver
(Payments made at the Erie County offices will not be posted on our website)