Tax Bills Online
Village of Otisville
Site last updated: 11/04/2024
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Use any of the following:
Bill #
Tax Map #
Property Address
Owner Name
Welcome to the Online Tax Portal

We hope you find this as an easy and convenient way to lookup information on your tax bill. If you have any further questions about your tax bill, please contact your local Tax Collector.

Above you will find several search filters that can be used to reduce the number of results making it easier for you to find your bill. One of the most used filters is the Owner Name field. By entering your last name into the Owner Name field and hitting search, the site will only return records that match the information provided. If too many results are returned, you can further refine the search by the remaining fields listed.
Mail Payments To:
Village of Otisville
66 Highland Ave. Otisville, NY 10963