Tax Bills Online
Town of Evans
Site last updated: 02/14/2025
Choose Collection:
Use any of the following:
Bill #
Tax Map #
Property Address
Owner Name
Welcome to the Town of Evans online tax payment and search system!

Please search by filling in only one of the above fields:

Bill # - Enter the bill number that is displayed on your tax bill above the SBL# and your name and address.

Tax Map # - Enter your section, block and lot number as it appears above your name and address

Property Address – Enter a house number and street name only. Do not enter Rd., Ln., etc.

Owner Name – Search by Last Name and then First Name. The text you enter will be used to search the entire name and return all partial matches. If you are unable to find your bill searching with a full name, try searching with just a last name.

Please enter your payment information correctly. Any mistakes may lead to your payment being rejected by your bank or credit card company and may lead to penalties being accrued after the due date.

You may pay your taxes online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by using your Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit card (2.45% convenience fee will apply), Visa Debit card ($3.95 flat fee will apply) or by Electronic Check ($1.75 flat fee will apply). Convenience and flat fees are collected by the web service provider, not by the Town of Evans.

Online tax payments for the Town and County bill will not be accepted after June 30th and School taxes will not be accepted after November 30th of each year.

Partial payments cannot be made through the online tax payment system. Partial payments may be made via mail or in the Town Clerk’s office.

Payments made to Erie County for back taxes will not appear on this website. For back tax information, visit

You will receive an email confirmation of your payment.

The website will not reflect your payment until it is updated the next business day.

If you have any questions regarding your tax bill or the payment process please do not hesitate to contact the Town Clerk’s office at (716)549-5755 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8am to 4pm and Wednesday 9am to 5pm.
Mail Payments To:
Lynn M. Krajacic
Town Clerk\Tax Collector
8787 Erie Road Angola, New York 14006 (716)549-5755