Tax Bills Online
Village of Catskill
Site last updated: 09/03/2024
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Bill #
Tax Map #
Property Address
Owner Name

Welcome to the Village of Catskill's Online Tax Roll & Payment System.

This system allows taxpayers to view, pay and print their tax bill in a secure and convenient environment.

You may pay your taxes online by using your Visa or MasterCard credit card (2.45% service fee), by Visa debit card ($3.95 flat fee) or by electronic check ($1.75 flat fee, when using an electronic check please allow two weeks for processing). Service fees are collected by the web service provider, not the Village of Catskill.

Payments will also be accepted (checks, cash or money order) at the Village of Catskill, located at 422 Main St. Catskill N.Y. 12414.
Please make checks payable to Village of Catskill.

Office hours are:
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thank you for using our online service.
Mail Payments To:
Village of Catskill
Tax Collector
422 Main St. Catskill, NY 12414