Town of Cornwall
Site last updated: 02/12/2025
Welcome to the Town of Cornwall’s Online Tax Search & Payment System. Tax payments will be accepted by the Town of Cornwall Receiver of Taxes beginning January 1st and continue through March 31st.
You may pay your bill in-person, by mail, or online*
If paying by mail the payment must be postmarked by the due date to avoid any penalties
Payments are to be made payable to Town of Cornwall
Mail to Receiver of Taxes, 183 Main Street, Cornwall, NY 12518
Office hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm until April 1st
From April 2nd through December 15th the office will be open on Wednesdays from 9 am – 1 pm
*Online payments: You may pay by using your VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, VISA debit card or by electronic check. If using these options there are “convenience fees” collected by the online payment provider, NOT the Town of Cornwall. Please check with your payment provider to find out what the convenience fee will be for your chosen option.