Tax Bills Online
Town of Somerset
Site last updated: 03/27/2025
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Welcome to the Town of Somerset Tax System.

This system allows you to view your tax bill, find your assessed valuation, see if you have exemptions, make an electronic payment and print a receipt.

Tax payments will be accepted by the Town of Somerset Tax Collector beginning January 4th and continue through March 31st.

Please note The last day to do an E-Payment via this site is March 14, 2016

Please be advised that as of April 1st, taxes are turned over to the County of Niagara for payment. If taxes are paid directly to Niagara County, they will not show up on this system. You may contact the Tax Office at 716-439-7007 if you do not see your bill on this site.

We hope that you find this online system feature to be a convenient and easy means by which to view and pay your taxes.

If you have any questions regarding this system, please feel free to call Ruth Wendler, Tax Collector or Tracy Carmer, Deputy Tax Collector at 716-795-3575. If you have assessing questions, contact the Assessor’s Office at 716-795-3243.

Useful links:
Town of Somerset
Niagara County
Mail Payments To:
Ruth H. Wendler
Tax Collector
8700 Haight Rd P.O. Box 368 Barker, NY 14012